About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Kristen Lamb ponders the importance of talent while Chris Syme offers a primer on preserving your authorial reputation in a crisis.

Kris Kennedy concludes her five-part series on avoiding the nefarious info-dump and Jordan Dane defines narrative drive.

Over at Writer Unboxed, Donald Maass analyzes what makes a true hero or heroine while Heather Webb provides tips on writing an effective query letter.

The New York Times reminds us that fact-checking is everyone’s responsibility and Kickstarter finds itself embroiled in a labor dispute.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Do Some People Lack the Talent to be a Successful Author? by Kristen Lamb

The Five Myths of Crisis Management for Authors by Chris Syme via Anne R. Allen

Pitfalls and Solutions for Writing a Science Thriller by Amy Rogers

Backstory: Avoid Info Dumping by Making it Essential-Part Four and Part Five by Kris Kennedy via Jami Gold

Narrative Drive—Do You Have It? by Jordan Dane

Rookie Mistakes Indie Writers Make by James Scott Bell

It’s a Fact: Mistakes are Embarrassing the Publishing Industry by Alexandra Alter

The Making of a Hero or Heroine by Donald Maass

Writing the Query Letter: Dos and Don’ts by Heather Webb

How to Market a Book: 10 First Steps by Joe Bunting

Is There a Labor War Brewing Inside of Kickstarter? by Tobias Carroll