About This Writing Stuff…

This week, David Brown and Michelle Barker explain the differences between situation and plot while Jami Gold leads us into our protagonist’s dark moments.

Over at Mythcreants, Chris Winkle casts a skeptical eye on The Hero’s Journey and its basis, The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

Matt Knight warns against common perils in publishing contracts and agreements, Sarah Manavis discusses why Story Graph is a better online book cataloguing tool than Goodreads, and Josyln Chase provides methods to improve our productivity.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Situation Versus Plot by David Brown and Michelle Barker via Anne R. Allen

How to Leave Traditional Publishing, Go Indie, and Not Regret It by Kurt Dinan

Traditional and Self-Publishing Contracts—When to Say No! by Matt Knight

Black Moments: Understanding our Options by Jami Gold

Why Structures Like the Hero’s Journey Don’t Work by Chris Winkle

It’s Time to Throw Out the Hero with a Thousand Faces by Chris Winkle

Why Goodreads is Bad for Books by Sarah Manavis

Managing Your Cast by Dave King

Managing Expectations, One Book at a Time by Heather Webb

Road, Neighborhood, Sky: A Three-Layered Approach to Writing a Novel by Barbara Linn Probst

8 Proven Strategies to Write More and Boost Your Productivity by Joslyn Chase

Writing Your First Novel: How to Fix an (Accidentally) Autobiographical Novel by Sarah Gribble