Book Review: The Philip K. Dick Reader

Philip K Dick ReaderThis marvelous collection of 24 stories includes such gems as “Fair Game,” “The Hanging Stranger,” “The Last of the Masters,” “War Veteran,” “Exhibit Piece,” “Sales Pitch,” “The Chromium Fence,” and several tales that were adopted into film, such as “We Can Remember it for You Wholesale” (Total Recall, 1990), “The Minority Report” (Minority Report, 2002), “The Golden Man” (Next, 2007), and “Second Variety” (Screamers, 1995).

Additionally, “Sales Pitch,” “Exhibit Piece,” “The Hanging Stranger,” and “Foster, You’re Dead!” were dramatized in the 2017 Amazon Prime anthology series, Electric Dreams, based on the works of Philip K. Dick.