Book Review: The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler

The Writers Journey by Christopher VoglerI began reading The Writer’s Journey in April 2019, then put it aside for a few years when I became busy with several short story projects, a new novel, and a few harrowing life changes. When I picked up The Writer’s Journey again in late May 2021, I started from page one again and found Vogler’s interpretation and application of Joseph Campbell’s analysis of mythology useful. I approached it in much the same way I approach outlining my novels and short stories. It is a roadmap, not a strict rule book and even Vogler admits this. When developing any story, there are many avenues a writer can take and crafting the story is an organic process. Often while writing, I will have an epiphany that takes the story in an even better direction than what I had originally outlined.

Vogler’s guide is no different. I know other reviewers accuse Vogler of diluting or cheapening Campbell’s work. I’ve heard other writers at conventions and conferences deride The Hero’s Journey as an obsolete model that no longer has a place in modern storytelling. To each their own. I enjoyed The Writer’s Journey and found Vogler’s voice and style easy to follow. Even after three novels and over 20 short stories in my young writing career, I never stop learning and will keep this book close at hand as I work through the latest revision of my next novel.