Endless Self-Promotion? No Thanks.

This article from Vox speaks to a concern I’ve had for several years about promoting your “brand” as an independent author or creator of any kind. The TL;DR version is that you need to be ubiquitous on social media, especially on TikTok, if you want to build an audience and sell your product.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I cannot carve out time to make an endless stream of videos and still manage a writing schedule, high-stress FT job, marriage, a home, my health, and soon caring for an aging parent. I’m only one person already stretched thin across five or six social media platforms, maintaining a website and a YouTube channel that I can barely keep current.
From the article:
“The labor of making TikToks — and if you want to reach the most people in the shortest amount of time, TikTok is pretty much the only place to go — requires both tedium and skill. You’ve got to get used to the app’s ever-evolving editing features, understand the culture of the platform, make yourself look presentable but not too presentable or risk coming off as inauthentic, prepare for and practice what you’re going to say, but again, not too much. And you’ve got to do it again and again and again, because according to every single influencer ever, the key to growing your audience is posting consistently.
More than that, you’ve got to actually spend your time doing this stuff on the off chance that the algorithm picks it up and people care about what you have to say. You’ve got to spend your time doing this even though it’s corny and cringe and your friends from high school or college will probably laugh as you “try to become an influencer.” You’ve got to do it even when you feel like you have absolutely nothing to say, because the algorithm demands you post anyway…
You’ve got to offer your content to the hellish, overstuffed, harassment-laden, uber-competitive attention economy because otherwise no one will know who you are.”
It’s discouraging and demoralizing to know that even if you produce high quality books, art, or music, it means nothing unless you work yourself to exhaustion clamoring for attention on the shitshow dumpster fire that is social media.  Good luck to us all.