Tag Archives: rub al khali

Fan Fiction – Week Seven – Indiana Jones

Written in 2001, my first and only Indiana Jones fan fiction pits Indy against the infamous Nazi Colonel Erwin Rommel (aka “The Desert Fox”) on a quest to unearth an ancient lost city in the sands of Saudi Arabia’s Rub al Khali desert, also known as the “Empty Quarter.”

In part two, we catch up with Indy as he arrives in Saudi Arabia in the company of businessmen from Standard Oil, but when he parts ways with them to join fellow archaeologist Diana Forrestal, Indy draws the attention of the Nazis.

As an added bonus, I’ve included excerpts from the unofficial comic book version of this throughout the story. Click here to read part two of “Indiana Jones and the Towers of the Empty Quarter.”

If you need to catch up, click here to read part one.